Odds & Ends Information Just for Fun
Weekly Journal CREW volunteer reference Demotivation 1
Quotations Wildlife Profiles Demotivation 2
Thoughts Ferns of South Florida Demotivation 3
Daisy Big Cypress Fox Squirrels Demotivation 4
Green Treefrogs Tips for Swamp Hikers
 Identifing photograph  Pig Frogs Uncommon Southwest Florida birds
Orchids ~ Wading birds OGWIT book What Birds Think
Mammals ~ Spiders Invasive Reptiles & Amphibians Identifying lights in the sky

Turtles ~ Snakes

Collective names for wildlife

Improbable wildlife


February history

3 - 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ratified guaranteeing the right of citizens to vote regardless of race, color, or prevpous servitude (1870)

6 - King George VI of England dies; Queen Elizabeth II becomes Queen (1952)

9 - U.S. troops capture Guadacanal in the Solomon Islands (1943)

10 - France cedes Canada to England, ending the French and Indian War (1763)

14 - Matthew Brady takes the first photograph of a U.S. President in office, James Polk (1849)

19 - Internment of Japanese Americans begins (1942)

20 - John Glenn becomes the first American launched into orbit (1962)

February holidays: 14-Valentine's Day ~ 17-Presidents Day


February Birthdays

1 Clark Gable
2 Tommy Smothers
3 Norman Rockwsell
6 Ronald Reagan
8 Jules Verne
12 Abraham Lincoln
17 Hal Holbrook
19 Nicolas Copernicus
21 Erma Bombeck
25 Pierre Renoir
28 Mario Andretti