Odds & Ends Information Just for Fun
Weekly Journal CREW volunteer reference Demotivation 1
Quotations Wildlife Profiles Demotivation 2
Thoughts Ferns of South Florida Demotivation 3
Daisy Big Cypress Fox Squirrels Demotivation 4
Green Treefrogs Tips for Swamp Hikers
 Identifing photograph  Pig Frogs Uncommon Southwest Florida birds
Orchids ~ Wading birds OGWIT book What Birds Think
Mammals ~ Spiders Invasive Reptiles & Amphibians Identifying lights in the sky

Turtles ~ Snakes

Collective names for wildlife

Improbable wildlife


September history

2-Great Fire of London begins (1666)

4-Europeans (Henry Hudson) discover Manhattan (1609)

7-Brazil declares independence from Portugal (1822)

13-U.S. Congress chooses New York as the Federal capital (1788)

16-General Motors founded in Flint, Michigan (1908)

19-New Zealand first country to grant women right to vote (1893)

26-first televised presidental debate (Kennedy-Nixon, 1960)

29-Congress creates the United States Army (1780)

September holidays: 2-Labor Day ~ 22-National Ice Cream Cone Day


September Birthdays

1 - Edgar Rice Burroughs
5 - Bob Newhart
8 - Peter Sellers
12 - Jessie Owens
13 - Mel Tormé
15 - Agatha Christie
18 - Greta Garbo
21 - H.G. Wells
24 - Jim Henson
26 - T.S. Eliot
26 - George Gershwin
28 - Michelangelo