Uncommon subspecies of Southwest Florida birdsScroll down to see images ~ all images ©Dick Brewer | |
Fat-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna rotoundimus | |
Wood Dork Aix nerdiananana | |
Clapping Rail Rallus encoreus | |
Killbeer Charadrius michelobii | |
Double-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax spiffiana | |
Great Blue Baron Ardea von richthofen | |
Bossy Ibis Plegadis bossimus | |
Great-breasted Flycatcher Myiarchus brassierii | |
Wild-eyed Vireo Vireo hippiecannabis | |
Clue Jay Cyanocitta holmesii | |
Wish Crow Corvus fairiemomma | |
Busted Titmouse Baeolophus lineupii | |
Pray Catbird Dumetella amenus | |
Brown Trasher Taxostoma garbagiana | |
European Starlet Sturmus glitteratii | |
Boat-tailed Tackle Quiscalus linemanii | |
Hoodie Warbler Wilsonia abercrombus | |
Scarlet Manager Piranga efficientiana | |
Painting Bunting Passerina artistii | |
Pleated Woodpecker Dryocopus maxidressii | |
Morning Dove Zenaida caffeinated | |